1. Construction works for construction of the wastewater treatment plant in Lavasan City and the sewage transmission line 

  • Employer: Water and Wastewater Company, East of Tehran Province
  • Consultant: Tehran Sahab Consulting Engineers Company 
  • Contract price: 29.854.000.000 Rials
  • Project status: PAC
  • Progress: 95%
  • Brief description of two modules:

Works for the construction of the treatment plant including the following: mechanical filter; flow measuring unit (partial flume); sewage distribution structure; telescopic tap pit; foam collection pit; sludge doping silo; sludge dewatering building; treated wastewater pumping station; chlorination unit; manholes leading to the sedimentation ponds; manholes between treatment units; final sedimentation ponds; passage post; reciprocating sludge pumping station; landscaping of streets surrounding the treatment plant; airing ponds; office building; storage and workshop buildings; peripheral buildings.

Capacity: 80,000 person; average discharge: 80.145 liter/sec; maximum discharge: 240 liter/sec; capacity: 12,000 m3/day

  • Materials and works required:

  1. More than 650,000 kg of reinforced bars in various sizes
  2. The volume of used concrete: app. 60,00 m3
  3. The volume of earthwork: app. 33,000 m3
  4. Rock works: more than 3,500 m3